Akai's APC64, Playlist Promotion, and Bigger Buildups!

Studio Tool You Need 🎹
Explore and exchange VST synthesizer presets with PresetShare's community of over 92,000 users. Dive into a library of 6,921 free presets across various genres and synths like Vital and Serum. Check it out!
Production Sauce 🎵
Do you ever feel like your buildups don’t always go anywhere? Big Z shows how to add gain automation to help emphasis drops and add energy! This can add dynamics and emotion to any given track. He automates the gain on each element of the track, drums and effects, tonal elements, and the master chain to take the listener on a “ride." Check it out here!
News Story You Should Hear About ⚠️
APC64 by Akai is here! Once upon a time, before Ableton released their own Push hardware, they worked with Akai to create the APC40, followed by the APC40 MKII and even the first Ableton Push! Now Akai has its new follow-up, the APC64, coming with 64 RGB polyphonic pads, 8 touch strip faders, an 8-track sequencer, chords and scales mode, and, of course, a standalone option! This is a slight change for those used to an APC40 or APC Mini, as the APC64 seems geared to more production and beat-making situations. However, a lot of the functionality from the other APCs are still there for you to use! Check it out!
An Industry Secret They Don't Want You To Know 🤫
Playlist-Promotion.com assists musicians in enhancing their Spotify presence by securing spots on relevant playlists and offering various pricing options to suit different promotional needs. Learn more here!
Artists We Love 🎤
Willow Kayne has emerged as yet another rising star in the UK hyper-pop music scene. The Bristol native's unique and versatile style is showcased throughout her discography, blending aspects of drum and bass, pop, punk, and hip-hop with smoky vocals and spunky lyrics. Check out her most recent earworm, "cola head" on Spotify and Apple Music!